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The Pimp's Pull: Gravitational Attraction System [On Sale!]

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Attention: Red Blooded Males - If you want to attract more / better women? This will be the most important message you ever read.

Your Faithful Anonymous e-Pimp is FINALLY Revealing His Secret Reverse Psychology System that turns you into... a Masculine Magnet... and Attracts Women with What Feels Like a Gravitational Pull so Powerful, Females Are Helpless to Resist It. 

Start Attracting The Girls You Want Within 24 Hours Without Wasting Time Fixing Your “Game”, “Looks” or “Money”...

How it works is simple:

(I recommend you watch the brief video clip below to understand how attraction works at a fundamental physics level...)

The same laws of attraction in physics apply in the world of masculine / feminine attraction...

Opposites Attract!

You've heard it before... But has anyone ever taught you...

How to USE that fact to attract any woman you want?

I'm betting not, because nobody else knows how.

I learned this 'opposite' reverse psychology secret because I had to learn it..

Nothing else I tried worked for me at the level I wanted.

I'm embarrassed to admit this but here it goes...

I started my journey into success with women... as a simp!

It's true. I tried being a nice guy for years...

Even when I tried learning from pick-up-artists and I started seeing some improvements in my game, I quickly reached a point where it stopped helping me. 

At the end of the day, I wasn’t getting the girls I wanted. 

And if I was being honest with myself, I didn’t wanna spend my entire life in nightclubs and bars chasing girls. 

I wanted a fast, simple and effective way to get girls into my bedroom... without wasting my time.

That’s the damn truth.

So in my frustration, I started reading books about Female psychology and Pimps.  

And I realized that everything in the world of Pimps is The Opposite of what most men believe about masculine / feminine dynamics… 

Most Men (Wrongly) Believe:

  • "Women want a man who can provide for them" (and yet in the case of a Pimp and his hoes, the woman with 100% consistency gives the pimp ALL of her money & he decides what to do with it.)
  • "Men must court women" (and yet in the case of the Pimps, these women will do anything for them just to get a chance... a mere opportunity to go to bed with him)... for these women, getting their pimp to intimate with them is like a reward for good behavior...
  • "Women want a respectful man" (ironically, Pimps all abide by a code whereby respect for women is paramount, and they have a weird way of issuing this respect so that a woman submits in the bedroom and acts completely differently around other pimps out in the street)
  • "Women will not allow a man to have multiple girlfriends or have threesomes with other 'strange' women" (and yet Pimps make this happen all the time)
  • "You have to wait 2-3 days before having sex" (Being from the streets, Pimps cut this timeframe into 2-3 hours)

My world really started turning upside down when I paid a pimp who I simply call “The Boss Dog” to teach me his Secrets of Female Psychological Control.

I paid him and his friends $15,000 to teach me one simple psychological secret for getting girls & having multiple girlfriends.  

The Secret of How to Use Reverse Psychology…that gets women to ‘sell themselves’ on feeling attraction for you...

The moment i started using this secret in my day-to-day life… everything changed.

All of a sudden when I would approach girls with my standard 5 word opener, they would start melting like putty in my fingers.

Instead of getting responses like “I see you as just a friend” girls started saying we go together like peanut butter & jelly… and even trying to make me their boyfriend. 

I even started to see how girls don’t care if i have other girlfriends while i date them… and have managed to build out a rotation of 3 girls and have the freedom to get more girls whenever I want…

(Personally, my sexual tastes vary widely from day to day, so I like having the freedom to be with any type of girl I like on a given day, thin, thick, hourglass, pear-shaped, bbw, asian, blonde, brunette, big titties, nice ass, submissive, dominant, sweet, elegant, and so on…)

I quickly realized that my results were only matched by the top 1% of guys… 

But more impressively...

I was getting these results with far less effort, far faster, and without being good looking, rich, or even having ‘excellent game’.

Every single time, I just used this reverse psychology system and it felt like women were getting sucked into my gravitational field.  

Seeing this, some of my buddies started asking me “wtf” I was doing to get all these girls? 

And I explained it to them.  I didn’t think anything would come of it.  Maybe it was my ego, I wanted to think I was special and other guys couldn’t possibly get results as good as mine.  

But out of 3 of my friends, 2 of them actually got better results than me…

(I forget how many girls they banged in the first week but it was more than I would feel comfortable telling anyone lol) And the 3rd friend’s results were only less because he was busy w/ work and only had like 25 minutes on a random Thursday afternoon.

That’s not even the best part though...

The best part is one of those guys shared the reverse psychology system with another buddy who I'd never met before...

I don't wanna sound like a jerk, but I saw a pic of this dude and my first impression was that he was a desperate lonely chode.

But guess what?

Even this desperate loser was able to nail a 7 in his first week of using this Pimpin' System!

This is when i started realizing that it wasn’t ME who was special, it was the system...

That’s when I decided I would turn this into a product for other guys to use. 

I figured if it helps just 1 guy out there who’s struggling or frustrated with his results, it’ll be worth it.

Imagine going from sexless loser, or a guy who can only get 6's and 7's... or a guy who's in a monogamous relationship who secretly wants to be with other girls...

A guy who's felt imprisoned by his inability to approach and seduce 8s and 9s who is finally able to get them without needing to looks-max, get rich, or waste years of his life doing cold approach & facing thousands of humiliating rejections in night clubs & bars...

For many guys this would be a dream come true… which is why I officially put this product together, and called it:

The Pimp’s Pull: Gravitational Attraction System.

This is without a doubt the ONLY System for attracting & seducing girls without needing to looks-maxx, up your game, or make more money.  (even though it will help you do all those things, fast... you won't need them to get girls)

You’ll start getting top 1% man results even if you’re not a top 1% man yet (and yes, even though you'll get girls before you become a 1% man, you should still endeavor to become a top 1% man).

This system gets its name from its origins in Pimp Psychology... something unavailable anywhere else (unless you were to track down the Boss Dog on your own and fly to his house to learn the same secret at his feet for 15 Grand).

Inside here’s some of what you’re gonna get:

  • You're getting the number one secret opener that works in any situation...  

5 words that will change how you introduce yourself to women forever (you won't need a canned list of opening lines after this).

Confidently approach:

- at the gym

- at the coffee shop

- at a co-working space

- parks, events, concerts

- at bars & clubs, nightlife venues

- hotels & casinos

- outdoor venues like beaches / ski mountains

- on vacation anywhere...

You’ll also receive…

  • My secret hack for making the conversation POLARIZING: hint: you take your biggest insecurity and 'make the skeleton dance' so that she's ethically forced to enter your frame and submit to you as the Alpha.
  • The entire reverse psychology system which walks you through attraction to seduction using nothing but this one secret.  I can’t just give this away here because in the wrong hands this is extraordinarily powerful.  (This is part of the reason why I’m putting up a pay-wall.  I only want guys who will use this power for Good and not Evil. Please DO NOT use this to exploit women for profit.)

For just $25, you're getting a system that will change how you interact with women for the rest of your life.

More than that, this system will change how you move through the world of men, too. Because when you have command over female psychology, everything changes.

  • The way you're treated by friends, family & acquaintances...
  • The respect you get
  • The shock & awe you spark when you walk into a room with a 9 on your arm...

Today that reality is yours... without wasting thousands of hours of trial and error "in the field", going out to bars, clubs, day-time venues... and facing hundreds if not thousands of embarrassing rejections.

Not to mention the real cost of settling down with a 6/10 woman who doesn't respect you. (It happens all the time and is just damn sad to see.  A guy who works on his personal development should have more to show for it than an ugly wife who secretly wants to cheat).

As you know most women are the ones who initiate divorce in the USA. They are fickle if they're not completely locked down.

I want to save you the time it would take to go through all that humiliation, that time wasted, that eventual pain... and hand you the keys to the female psychological mastery on a silver platter... 

Unlock the door, walk in, and take your pick of whatever girl or girls you'd like... 

The Pimp's Pull is the system you need to start attracting & having your choice with the women you desire.  

If you're reading this… it’s time to take action and give yourself the Gift of the Pimp's Pull...

This Gravitational Attraction System can start helping you get girls within less than 24 hours...

Pull the trigger now, get in before the price goes up.

I'm gonna raise the price as soon as I see there's demand for this.

So the catch 22 here is that the more guys who buy, the faster the price goes up.

Do you wanna be one of the guys who gets this for $25?

Or do you wanna be one of the guys who pays $250?

Or are you a slow-poke who is gonna end up paying $2,500 when this is only available as part of my complete lifestyle transformation program? (More on that later, perhaps).

It's a no brainer my G, lock in your spot while it's just $25 so you're not kicking yourself later when the price goes up.

Today's the day your life will change forever! 


P.S. I'm confident enough in this system that if for any reason you try it today and it DOESN'T work for you?

Or you don't feel it's LEGIT? I will refund you instantly &/or address any of the issues that are keeping you from the success you deserve.

So you risk NOTHING when you buy today.

The only risk is watching the girls you want get ravaged by the guys who click "I want this!"

Get it G!

I want this!

The Pimp's Pull: Gravitational Attraction System (Use This Unique Reverse Psychology System that Gets Girls Irresistibly Attracted to You)

Free Bonus 1: Pimp Theory Sex Secrets: a lesson to get your girl(s) start becoming addicted to your good lovin' between the sheets. She'll brag to her friends as if she's dating a male porn star.
$99 Value
Free Bonus 2: Pimp, Rotate, Repeat: a lesson on how to keep a healthy rotation for long term relationships if you choose to be with multiple women.
$99 Value
Free Bonus 3: The Pimp's Porn UNPlug: Stop watching porn forever in less than 28 days by using reverse psychology secret on yourself. (This was the only thing that worked for me after 7 years of unsuccessfully trying to quit porn. I guarantee it will work for you or your money back)
$199 Value
Private Men's Community: Get involved behind the scenes. Get your questions answered. Connect with other likeminded guys on the path to becoming a 1% man.
$199 Value
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The Pimp's Pull: Gravitational Attraction System [On Sale!]

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